100 students score above 300 in JAMB From ADAMS COLLEGE LAGOS(best scored 343)

100 students score above 300 in JAMB From ADAMS COLLEGE LAGOS(best scored 343)

Adams college has been an established tutorial for over 15 years. While other tutorials are struggling to start, students in Adams college are already writing their monthly test and their scores been published. Adams have the best tutors you can ever ask for. you need to see how the students are all holding their past questions, solving problems , forming reading groups.
While will the student not pass well when they are in an airconditioned room with cool breeze blowing their heads when their colleague in other lessons are under intense heat.
Even the students sitting at the back have the oppurtunity for seeing the board clearly as digital transmission is been done while live teaching is going on using 62 screen TV with a microphone.

Adams college ensure the students have all required tools for practice. Adams students have been using ExamGuide JAMB CBT software since 2016.
He ensures at the beginning of the season, all students must have installed it for their personal practice. Now i can understand while over 100 students can score 300 and above in JAMB with the best scoring 343. With what Adams is doing, nobody should be suprised if a student of Adams emerges overall best in JAMB 2019.
If all lessons adopted Adams style then we would have better JAMB scores compared to what we see now.

mexy 5 years ago
0 4258

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